America Needs Small Businesses Like Slaske Builders

Business is the heart of any nation and as business grows, that nation grows with it. Take America for example. The lifeline of America is the small business, but with major corporations such Wal-Mart, small business is doomed. What does that mean for America?  Small businesses are absolutely crucial for building up the strength of the economy even if they don’t take in as much business and earn nearly as much revenue as a major corporation. What small businesses also do, is provide jobs opportunities. Slaske Builders is a great example of this and the way they build not only homes, but also the local economy and function  as the foundation for some of the largest corporations.

How exactly do small businesses improve the economy? Why should you give a local grocery store your business rather than going to Wal-Mart for your needs? Small businesses give strength to local economies by bringing the possibility to build and do more with the community. In a nutshell, without the small business as the foundation for everything to build on, America would collapse eventually because small businesses give support to other businesses and add balance.

Supplying employment opportunities are another way small businesses also help encourage growth of the economy. You wouldn’t go work for a major corporation at 17 would you? It happens, yes, but it is highly unlikely and very rare. Small business are the best place for you to start and get your introduction to the world by joining the workforce. The small business is also where you learn your first important life lessons to prepare you for big world and possibly working for that corporation. If there is a large business in the neighborhood, it can also reap the benefits of surrounding small businesses.

Love Is The Best Business

Business is about helping someone fulfill a need and that is usually done with a product or service. A business helping others just makes sense and should be a core value that is adopted by every business leader. Alas, this is not the case. As businesses grow, most get caught up in responsibility and overwhelmed with having power. For business professionals, most times than not they often get too tied up their own projects or their own personal problems and do not give the time to think (because most don’t have time to think) about giving other people the help they need. As Olujic says often, “If you are chasing money, you’re doing it wrong.” Although, most have recently come to understand that the majority of their best clients, business partners and relationships in and out of business have come solely from helping someone.

Think for a moment, what is the best gift you can give someone? Some would say it would be your time because you are giving a part of yourself away that you can’t get back. Others would argue the best gift you can give is the gift that keeps on giving and that gift would be your knowledge. The difference between experience and wisdom is that experience is what you learn through trial and error and constant try, fail and adjusting. You go through the process and making mistakes and that is how you gain your personal experience. Wisdom is the same try, fail and adjusting experience except it’s not your experience. It’s someone else’s.

One of the most surefire and simplest ways to be a help and a blessing to others is to apportion your knowledge. Share it among those who can benefit. Anyone can be a teacher if you have the patience for the job and the right information for others to learn, and this takes a certain amount of love for others. There are so many opportunities each and every day to teach somebody what you have learned in your area of expertise. Once you take on the role of mentoring someone, you must challenge yourself to keep learning. The worst thing is for your pupil to come to you with a question you don’t know looking for an answer you don’t have.