What is ThreeDollarClick.com?

Have you been searching for a quick and easy way to make money in your spare time? That’s where I was, and I have to say I feel like I tried everything. I sold kitchen supplies at parties and even tried my hand waiting tables for a while. These things paid okay, but the problem was time. I was being pulled away from my family, and they were the only reason I was looking for extra money. After searching the classifieds I started looking at some online opportunities.

The funny thing was I thought these online opportunities would be different. They all touted slogans of “work from and make your own hours.” While this was partially true, I was really no better off than I had been waiting tables. I locked myself in the small closet we called an office for a couple hours at a time while I took phone calls, placed advertisements, and performed several other various odd jobs that could be done via the Internet. I was making less money and spending the same amount of time away from my family. It just wasn’t what I was looking for.

I stumbled across a site called ThreeDollarClick.com a couple months ago. At the time I felt sure it was just another thing for me to be disappointed in. I was really feeling hopeless and starting to think that the only way I was going to get caught up was to take on a full second job.

ThreeDollarClick.com was exactly what I had been looking for, though. This site has allowed me to have my cake and eat it too as they say. Just this evening, I sat at my daughter’s dance rehearsal. While I was there, I actually made money. It’s the same with all of my family’s events. Whether it is shopping at the grocery store, watching television, or playing board games, I can make money WHILE I do it. This was the freedom I needed.

ThreeDollarClick.com works just like the name suggests. Businesses need people to follow links to advertising that is on their pages. They are paid for the use of that space. By providing this service, you are helping them to generate traffic for their business, for the advertised business, and to receive more advertising dollars, which they also put back to users like you. Basically, this is a cycle that repeats and grows infinitely, and all involved can benefit from the growth.

I know that I do. Every day!